Wednesday, June 15, 2011

You can get engaged in a year; if that is what you want.   Impossible- you say?  There just aren’t any good ones out there- you bargain?  No Excuses!  In this series we are going to tell you 7 steps to getting engaged in 1 year.

Step One: You must look good.  Regardless of what one might say or think—it is true.  We (especially men) are visual creatures.  So, get your act together.  You must look good all of the time.  You never know when you will meet this person—the grocery store, the gym, the coffee shop, work appointment, lunchtime.  The list goes on and on and you must not be caught unprepared.  By looking good all of the time; we DO NOT mean overdone.  Don’t over do the make-up or the hair gel.  Don’t look like a fashion train wreck and for the love of God—be confident.  Put yourself together in a fashionable, but, not overdone wardrobe.  Wear some make-up (girls) and do your hair (guys).  If you feel like you need to lose some weight to be YOUR personal best—then do it.  You must look your best—all of the time. 

At you can sign up for a personal consultation to review your look and make sure you have what it takes to conquer step 1 of the 7 steps it takes to be engaged in 1 year.

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